Farewell Seniors!
"You may not know where you're going, but so long as you spread your wings the winds will carry you." ~C. JoyBell C.Today is our seniors last day! I remember many of these students when they were just freshmen and to watch them grow and mature into the successful young adults they have become has been such a treat. The library wishes only the best for our graduating seniors. We know that Natick High has prepared them for their next adventures and we will follow the success of many of our graduates with pride and enthusiasm. Good Luck Class of 2015!!
Welcome Kaitlin Plachy!

I am so excited to welcome Kaitlin Plachy to the library team! Kaitlin is a 2011 graduate of Natick High School and will be working with us for the remainder of the school year. Kaitlin has just graduated from Harding University and will be moving to France in September to teach English. We are so fortunate to have Kaitlin here as she brings a positive, energetic enthusiasm to the library along with the skills needed to work with high school students!
Book Blog of the Week!
So You've Been Publicly Shamed / Jon Ronson
In the world of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat etc. people's lives become public for all to see, often because we invite it. How many pics do you post about your latest girls night out, kids scoring in a soccer game or our dog doing something you deem cute? We air our complaints, our hopes, our wins and sometimes our losses. It is when the very social network you rely on to help you turns against you that people begin to realize the extent of the effect of social media.
Summary: This is the perfect time for a modern-day Scarlet Letter--a radically
empathetic book about public shaming, and about shaming as a form of
social control. It has become such a big part of our lives it has begun
to feel weird and empty when there isn't anyone to be furious about.
Whole careers are being ruined by one mistake. A transgression is
revealed. Our collective outrage at it has the force of a hurricane.
Then we all quickly forget about it and move on to the next one, and it
doesn't cross our minds to wonder if the shamed person is okay or in ruins. What's it doing to them? What's it doing to us?
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