Friday, February 16, 2018

Vacation Time

 Take Time

We wish everyone in our Natick High Community a safe, relaxing and happy vacation Spend time with loved ones, enjoy each day and take time to appreciate all you have.  Choose a good book and escape to other places!








Research Still Going Strong

Senior English classes working on their social action projects, sophomores creating author biographical analysis and freshmen analyzing banned books, it has been a busy week!!

Friday, February 9, 2018

Research Writing Full Force

Third term is off and running and it is the busiest time of the year in the library. We have begun the research writing component for English. English classes have been in the library all week focusing on lessons such as evaluating web sites, searching efficiently in Google and analyzing novels using literary criticism databases.
Constantly busy but a great way to develop and fine tune our research skills in a number of different avenues.

Monkey Hunt

Preschoolers continue to help find our missing animals that keep escaping our reading books!! This week monkeys escaped from the book Warning Do Not Open This Book / Adam Lehrhaupt. Luckily our fearless littles were able to find the last monkey and put him back in the book!!!