Friday, September 28, 2018

It's All About The Reading!

 Calling All Readers!

A busy week in the library it has been! Our focus on outside reading has really taken off, we were very fortunate to have a donation of books we could offer to our faculty and students. After sending out an email to everyone, the books were gone in an hour! Who says kids do not like to read!! We can't wait to hear about which books were hits!





 Preschool Power!

This has been the first week of preschool story time and it ha been a blast! We love having the littles file into the library and see all the familiar faces along with the new additions! We focused this week on how to be great listeners, read two books and discussed what was the MOST important rule in the library: Having FUN!!!

 New Books!

We have received new books in the library! There are so many interesting ones to choose from! Come on down and browse through the books, or browse through our online catalog. 
If you need a suggestion to get you started, take a peak at this one!

"Two leading spiritual masters share their wisdom about living with joy even in the face of adversity, sharing personal stories and teachings about the science of profound happiness and the daily practices that anchor their emotional and spiritual lives."--OCLC 



Friday, September 21, 2018

 Reading Recommendations

In our effort and goal to increase the love of outside reading, we have reached out to staff to find out what they read over the summer. Staff gave us titles and three words to describe the story and we made slides for the TV's.  We are so pleased with the enthusiastic response from the staff and even more thrilled with the students who have taken out books based on the recommendations! This is a long term goal and we know it will take time and effort but we feel we are off to a great start!







 Library Love

The library is in full swing these days and we love to see all the different ways it is used. From students studying to collaborating on projects, from relaxing with friends to reading a good book, from photography students to TV broadcasting, the library is the hub of the school!

Friday, September 14, 2018

Red Out Redhawks: Senior Spirit Week!!


Spirit Week at Work!

It has been a "spirited" week at Natick High! Seniors are showing their pride and their place at the top of the food chain with spirit week! From USA to tourists, camo and the big Red Out, it has been a fun week!





























Sassy at Work!

Sassy has been so busy with seeing old friends and getting to know new ones! She survived the stress of picture day!  She wasn't having the best hair day, that darn rain and humidity is never good for a poodle, and has been working hard bringing smiles to all she encounters.





















Library at Work!

The library continues to be a busy place study halls have been bustling! Seniors are preparing for post high school plans and the preschoolers are touring the library in preparation of story time in a few weeks! So far we are starting off the 2018-18 year on the right foot!!
Don't forget to check out all of our new books! We are constantly adding to our collection and have some great new titles!

Friday, September 7, 2018

Back in the Swing of Things

 Students, Students, Students

We have a few days under our belt and the library has been busy! Returning students coming in to study and say hello, and we have had many freshmen come by to check out books and say hello! It makes us so happy to know the freshmen already feel welcomed and safe in our library! Looking forward to working with them this year!















Sassy Strong

Sassy has been back on the job and she is working hard! She loves working with students and staff! She comes home every day tired and happy!














  For the Love of Reading

 Our goal this year is to increase pleasure reading. We recognize children come into kindergarten with a total love of reading and by the time they get to high school many of them have stated they do not like to read, they don't have time to read, they can't find anything to read. While there are a lot of factors that may contribute to this, we are committed to finding ways to light that fire for reading again for our students! We have set up some great displays to help get it started!