Friday, March 31, 2017

A Week in the Life......

Just a typical day in CDS!

It is always busy and bustling in the library during CDS. Juniors and seniors who are on priv fill the library working on projects, studying for an exam, relaxing with friends and making our day happy with all of their enthusiasm!!!

Pennies For Patients

Colin Edwards helped out the Pennies for Patients drive by taking the bottle around during CDS and asking for spare change! Because of Colin's commitment to this cause and his strong belief that everyone should be involved we nominated Colin for the weekly "Act of Kindness" award!

Child Growth: How to read to preschoolers

Ms Pandolfo's child growth class is studying what makes a quality picture book. We looked at how to choose picture books that are just right for the target audience based on professional reviews, interest, audience and ability to read out loud! We began the lesson by discussing favorite childhood stories and sharing them with the class.

Friday, March 10, 2017

Home Stretch of English Research Papers!

Junior Annotated Bibliography 

It is the final week of classes for the 3rd term research writing in English! Juniors are reading a specific text, analyzing for various themes and creating an annotated bibliography.

Over 75 English classes have been in the library in the last month learning how to sharpen research skills, create viable search terms, persevere through many searches looking for information to analyze so they can create new knowledge! I am so proud to work with these diligent students and dedicated teachers!

The Joy of a Good Book on a Windy Day!

When it is a cold windy day what do you do? Why you extend story time and do some "independent reading!!" Ms. Morrissey's class enjoying some quiet time reading books to themselves and to each other! 

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Welcome Back!

 Back at it!

February vacation felt a bit more like April vacation with the mild weather. It seems as if the warm temps and days off was what we all needed. We came back to school ready to work and prepare for the long stretch we like to call March!

 Social Action in Action!

This week the English research paper has been about the seniors. For most seniors this will be their last major writing assignment in English as many will go out on internships for fourth term.
The Social Action Project has students look at a 
topic of interest that directly affects the teen population. Topics range from homelessness, to drug use to immigration. In groups, students research their topic gathering background and statistical data and use it to come up with an action plan a group of teens could realistically put into action. They will then "present" it to a predetermined group whether it be school committee, board of selectmen etc. This happens to be one of my favorite projects to work on with the seniors.

Words to Live by: The Beatles