Arctic Chill
Even through the arctic blast, students are buckling down and working hard! It has been an active week in the library with freshmen English classes beginning their research writing paper. We have been learning about how to effectively evaluate sources and the merits of using an academic database for research.
The's not just for studying...
While the library is always a place to study, read and collaborate, it is also a place where students can relax and unwind during the day especially during the doldrums of winter! Students have been very active at the puzzle table this week and their enthusiasm is contagious!
Go Patriots!!
It is Patriots Spirit Day at school and the students and staff are not the only ones rooting for the Patriots to win their sixth!!
Book of the Week
Visualizing the Beatles: A Complete Graphic History of the World's Favorite Band / John Pring
From the very beginning, the Beatles rocked the world. Their sound,
their look, their songwriting, their live performances . . . everything
they touched became part of their lore—part of the story of the greatest
pop band in the history of the world. And while the story of the lads
from Liverpool might now feel familiar, in Visualizing the Beatles John Pring and Rob Thomas capture their music and magic in a unique and imaginative way, driven by stunning graphics. 

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