Friday, November 17, 2017


Spirit Week

It's spirit week at NHS and the first two days were quite a success! Student Council put a lot of thought into each day to make a creative and exciting week for our students and staff!

Eva Canino sporting the groufit!

Julia Mariano and Annie Gee in Redhawk Pride!










 Preschool Musings

 This week we are reading the book This Beautiful Day / Richard Jackson in preschool. A beautifully illustrated story about how to create fun on a rainy day. It was an appropriate story given our week of weather.
Prior to the story, one preschooler walked in the library and said, "Miss Tara, the library looks beautiful!" It's the little things that keep you coming back every day!

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Moving into November

With the end of the term students are getting in last assignments and studying for tests! The library has been a busy place!!


Sassy has been working hard! She loves visiting North Star and hanging out in the conference room there! She has made some great new friends!

Get on the Bus with John Green!

Hugely popular author John Green has a new book out! Turtles All the Way Down flew off the shelf the minute it came into the library and the wait list is growing! In honor of the popularity of his books and to enter a contest to have John Green skype in a visit to our school, Ms. Williams and Ms. Carrick created this display! Check it out!

Friday, November 3, 2017

Halloween Happenings!!

Halloween was a creative and festive day this year!!! Seniors pulled out all the stops and came up with some fun entertaining costumes! Here is a sample of some of the highlights! Would love to show you the video of our "dominoes" but Blogger will not upload it properly!! But you can check it out on Twitter! Follow @Taralmcd