Friday, December 20, 2013

Happy Holidays!!!!

Vacation is the perfect time to catch up on your reading. Don't forget to hit the library and stock up!

Today is the last day of school before vacation! It is one of my favorite days of the year. Each year the library is privileged to host the speech assemblies. Speech students perform throughout the day the various pieces they compete in their competitions. It is truly a spectacular performance to see. Watching the students perform in front of their peers, whether it be pieces they created themselves or have compiled from various sources, shows the diverse talent we have at Natick High School!

Friday, December 13, 2013


A week left of school before winter vacation and you can feel the excitement in the air.  Students and teachers are gearing up for the break! As the snow has finally made its way to MA it is really beginning to feel a lot like winter!!!

My philosophy for the library is to truly make it the community hub of the school. The library should be the center of our community where students can see themselves in the collection, feel safe and comfortable in the space and view what is going on around the school. With that in mind we have partnered with the Arts Department to turn the library into a gallery of sorts. Fine and Performing Arts Department Head Steve Miller had wall mount strips put in the library so we could display artwork from our students.  Art teachers have been great partners and student work such as self- portraits and wire creations have made their way to the library. You know it is a success when students are purposefully coming to the library because they heard their artwork was on display! It is another way for the library to collaborate with other departments in the school!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Spine Label Poems: Let the Creativity Flow!

Book Spine Poetry has been around since 1993 when Nina Katchadourian, American artist, developed the “Sorted Books Project.” A way to display books, Katchadourian sorted books into groups with titles that would create a whole sentence. Maria Popova of “Brain Pickings” adapted the idea into spine label poetry and thus the tradition began!

Always looking for creative ways to display books in the library, we often will use spine label poems to decorate the tops of the shelves and get out some of our books in an interesting and creative manner.  We have challenged students and staff to visit the library and create their own spine label poems! Because it is poetry, there is a lot of room for creativity. The following are a few of the current spine label poems. Enjoy!